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WWW7: W3C session stream day 3

information from the technology & society domain

recent activities include:

future activities:

PICS: Public Internet Content Selection:

a labeling system to filter out web pages with undesired content.

P3P: Platform for Privacy Preferences Project:

method for exchanging privacy practices between websites and users.



a user visits a website with information about movies played. if the user does not provide any personal information, she gets a general list of all movies played. if she allows her browser to send her address to the website, it will return a page with more detailed information about movies played in the area where she lives.

P3P defines the information that will be exchange between the browser and the server. information can be stored on the server and/or on the client side, so this is also replacement for cookies.

RDF: Resource Description Framework:

metadata to describe the contents of documents in a machine readable form. it is based on the experiences with META-tags, PICS and XML. RDF might be used for

RDF is implemented through structured values and uses XML syntax.

to the main page of this WWW7 trip report.

production note: these session notes were taken live on a SHARP HC-4500A running Windows CE with Pocket Word. they were then transfered to a notebook running Windows 95 and were slightly reformatted using HoTMetaL V4.0. this document is supposed to be HTML V4.0 compliant.

w3c_session_3.html / 17-apr-1998 (ra) / reto ambühler
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!!! This document is stored in the ETH Web archive and is no longer maintained !!!